Karin Franklin, Program Coordinator for January introduced the speaker today:  Jerry Schnoor, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UI College holds the Allen S. Henry Chair in Engineering.  Co-director, Center for Global & Regional  Environmental Research.  He holds a BS from Iowa State PhD University.  He returned to Iowa in 1977.
Specialities  include water quality modeling, aquatic chemistry and climate change.
He spoke on: The Science Behind Climate Changes.
President Seaba called the meeting to order at 7:05 am. 
People in the news:
 PDG John Ockenfels was featured on TV and an article in the Sunday Gazette for the plane ride "Ride to Fight Polio". Bryan Clemons was honored in an Article on Table to Table.
Dan Kramer has a book out entitled "Captain of Your Ship"  Vernette Knapp has read the book and commented that it was a good book.  PDG Herb Wilson thinks the book with be great.  PP Dick Huber thanked all the can sorters on Jan. 4th. A record high earn was $865.55.
Honorary member Jean Bartley a member 29 years.  Several people made comments that she was a past president of the club and a very kind person.
There was was an announcement on KXIC on the February 21st Trivia Night.
The club was given a gift from Dakin Family Charitable Fund
Tuesday January 28 there will be a social/service project, making 100 care packages for the shelter house.
Foudation Minute
PDG and Foundation Chair Chris Knapp gave a report on the weekly Foundation minute
January is Vocational Service Month.  The foundation funded over $151 million US dollars(US)
Continue to recite the four way test, Begin vocational seminar on career guidance, Distribute Vocational Awards to outstanding individuals.
March 10 will be a Bon Voyage for PDG John Ockenfels for his upcoming Flight to End Polio.
New Member Installations:
Roxie Mitchell, sponsor Deb Galbraith, mentor Vernette Knapp
Beth Belding, sponsor Jennifer Skarda, mentor Peggy Doerge.
There is an article climate change in the April Rotarian.  Dr Schnoor stated that the ocean and land our becoming warmer each decade.
Greta was here in Oct, 2019.  He said"Sometimes is takes a child to tell the truth"
We must take:  Action, reduce emissions; Adapt, replace bridges and don't build in flood plane;Mitigate, Replace fossil fuel with renewable energy.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 am