Our speaker was Dr. Resiyme Oral, Director of the ACES 360 Program at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics who talked about how adverse experiences in childhood impact lifetime health and well-being.
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Resiyme Oral-- Speaker
Lee Hood Copps-- Guest of Chris Knapp
Introductions and Announcements
President Myrene Hoover reminded members to sign up for Committees and for duties.  There were lists of club “Officers, Board Members, Committee Volunteers 2015 – 2916” on the tables.
January is Rotary Awareness month.  The four Objects of Rotary were mentioned and so were the Areas of focus:
Global Grants, Disease control, Water and Sanitation, Basic Education, and Economic community Development.
Fundraising for the Ponsetti Method will be the Ball Dropping. 
Karin Franklin and Gary Haymond were asked to go forward to receive Paul Harris pins-- Karen at Paul Harris plus 6 and Gary at Paul Harris plus 8.
Mark Patton reminded members that the Big Brother / Big Sister’s major fundraising will be Jan. 27th and Jan. 28th.
There was a short period for Happy Bucks,
Dr. Resmiye Oral was introduced. She is the Director for the Adverse Childhood Experiences, Sex Abuse Prevention, and Child Protection at the UI Children’s Hospital.  Her presentation was on how adverse childhood experiences are powerful determinants of who we become as adults.  Negative experiences, or ACES, may be in the health, education, or social fields among others. 
Resilience is the ability to recover from or adjust to negative experiences or changes. It “speaks of sailing through life with accomplishments, to make something good despite bad experiences”.  The most common problems and / or fatal diseases related to ACES are:  obesity, 36% of the population;  smoking, 19%;  alcoholism, 5%; mental health problems, including depression, 10%; jail time, 1%.
It was Dr. Vincent Felitti who started the field in 1990 .  He was Dr. Oral’s mentor.
Only about 1/3 of Americans have not been affected by a childhood adverse situation.  If a person has 4 or more ACES, the incidence of negative impacts is seen in 12.5% of adults. In Iowa, the first research was done in 2012 when it was found that substance abuse was responsible for 27% of problems in adults, neglect, 15%; physical abuse, 10%.  Fortunately, abuse has been declining in Iowa. 
It has been shown that if a parent went to jail, the incidence is 79% of off-spring with ACES events.
Dr. Oral gave many examples of how ACES incidents, particularly 4 or more, during childhood result in ongoing problems as adults, including attempted suicide, depression, work absences, diabetes, and early death. 
Children with parents who suffered ACES are highly likely to also be affected in what is known as Intergenerational ACES. 
Most of the times, medical doctors will treat children’s health issues on their face value, without treating the real and deeper cause of the problem.
The Trauma Informed Care is looking into 1. Resiliency, 2. Prevention, and 3. Actions that can be taken to help children become healthy individuals.  When people are treated with these childhood traumas fully revealed the negative impacts can be greatly reduced.