Liz Nichols introduced Juliette Genin, Rotary Youth Exchange.  Juliette talked about the history of Verdun, France where she is from.  The population is 23,000.1387-1443 was the 100-year war.  1778-1795 was the French Revolution where they beheaded the King and Queen.  1914-1918 World War1 between France and Germany.  1931-1945 World War 11 where there were Jewish people held at Auschwitz.  Juliette is from Verdun, Franch with a population of 23,000.  She showed a chart with listing:  Liberty=People, Equality=Reality, and Brother=People Her mother is a teacher in French Modern Art, and her dad is teacher in Junior High Physics and Chemistry.  She talked about education in France being very entailed compared to classes in America.  She begins her day at 6:00 am and ends at 6:00 pm.   She said the rooster is a symbol of pride,
She showed many photos of France. 
President Jenny called the meeting to order at 7:05 am.  Members talked about what they were thankful for. Many members were thankful for all the love and compassion in the club. 
Today is the last day to donate to the Ride to end Polio.  We have collected $1,333. Mark Patton said there was a Habit House build in Tennessee and a scholarship for a student 16-17 years old.  
Jack Cameron had a signup sheet for Christmas Eve Gift wrap at Coralville Ridge Mall.  from 8:00 am-6:00 pm.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 am.