Casey Cook introduced Tomeka Peteresen, the Rotary Action Group RAG4Clubfoot Co-Chair, who spoke about clubfoot, a common musculoskeletal birth defect impacting approximately 1 in every 750 live births. It is twice as common in males as females and often occurs in both feet.The Ponseti method is a non-surgical treatment for clubfoot that involves a series of casting of the foot and when begun in infancy and done correctly has a greater than 90% effective cure rate. Rotary has global grants that support training doctors in the Ponseti Method training in Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, and Argentina. The average global grant for training a doctor in the Ponseti Method is approximately $3,500.
A Rotary action group can provide technical expertise and training to help clubs implement projects, including helping clubs and districts prepare grant applications and develop plans, conduct assessments, and find partners and funding. The mission for the Rotary Action Group for Clubfoot (RAG4Clubfoot) is "to inform, activate, connect, and engage Rotarians, Roteractors, Interactors and their friends to create ways and means to support action for a world free of clubfoot disability." This action group plans to continue its work in Latin America and seek new opportunities to partnership with NGOs and other Rotary action groups. Member John Ockenfels thanked Tomeka for work keeping RAG4Clubfoot going!
Vernette Knapp opened the meeting for President Theresa Burns at 7:05 a.m. Liz Nichols announced Rotary is looking for host families for exchange students at all three high area schools for the next school year. Mark Patton announced there are still a few dates open for speakers.Nancy Pacha introduced a number of students from West High, including at least one student who had attended RYLA and Alicia, who were stated they attend a majority minority school and would like to start a black student union (BSU) to create a safe space for people of color to discuss black experiences. They are seeking funding for a field trip, to take students to volunteer opportunities, etc. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m.